PASTORAL LEADERSHIPRev. Dr. L. Bernard JakesSenior Pastor/Teacher Meet Pastor Jakes Rev. Yashika TippettExecutive Pastor Meet Pastor Tippett Rev. Denita Armstrong-ShafferAssistant to the Pastor Meet Pastor Shaffer Rev. Emma Marie MoselyPastor of Intercessory Prayer Meet Pastor Mosley Rev. ViMatice JacksonPastor of Prison Ministry Meet Pastor Jackson Rev. Jonathan Wallace, M.Div. Meet Pastor Wallace Rev. James JacksonPastor of Intercessory Prayer Meet Pastor Jackson Worship Times Sunday Morning Worship: 10:00 am Bible Study: 7:00 pm Virtual Wednesday in the Word Contact Information Church: 773.538.7590 Address: 3566 S. Cottage Grove Ave. Chicago, Il 60653 Email: Social Media